Newsletter for Sunday 19 June 2016

17 Jun


One day when Jesus was praying alone in the presence of his disciples he put this question to them, ‘Who do the crowds say I am? (Lk 9:18)

From their response it was clear that the so-called ‘democratic’ general opinion got it wrong! This strongly suggests that truth isn’t determined by popular opinion!

So, who is Jesus for us?
For the unnamed woman of last Sunday, Jesus was the Redeemer, the one who set her free, the giver of life.
Last weekend we learnt that for Paul, Jesus was his raison-d’être for living: ‘I live now not with my own life but with the life of Christ who lives in me’.
For the Psalmist in today’s Responsorial Psalm, Jesus/God is the one for whom he pines, the one he clings to with his right hand.
Today we also discover that for Peter, Jesus is the Christ of God.

And for you and me? Who is Jesus for you and me?
Let us seek an answer to that question by looking carefully at the Calvary Scene above the tabernacle on the High Altar, for therein lies your answer.

Fr Philip Sainter

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