Newsletter for Sunday 21 May 2017

19 May


As we look forward to THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD and PENTECOST SUNDAY perhaps we could ask ourselves: What can I be doing now, by way of preparation? What should I be doing NOW to prepare myself to receive the Holy Spirit, so that I too can go about my daily life in the power of the Paraclete, as did the Apostles?

I believe we need look no further than to Psalm 50 v 6 where the Psalmist prays:

A pure heart create for me, O God, put a steadfast spirit within me …
Give me again the joy of your help;  with a spirit of fervour sustain me …

Others may prefer to pray the first line of our second reading: Let us reverence the Lord Christ in our hearts (1Pet 3:15)

If we really do love him and reverence him, we will “keep Jesus’ commandments”:  we will keep our eyes focused on him; we will be attentive to him and to what he says to us through the scriptures and in the teachings of the Church.  Didn’t God say to us in Deuteronomy 6:4-5:  

Listen, Israel:  The Lord our God is the one, the only Lord.
You must love the Lord your God
with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength.
Let the words I enjoin on you today stay in your heart.
You shall tell them to your children, and keep on telling them …

Yes! It’s all there! By keeping all his laws and commandments, that is by reverencing the Lord God in our hearts and minds, we will live and be filled with divine life!

Fr Philip Sainter

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