Newsletter for Sunday 16 July 2017

14 Jul

Lord, direct all our thoughts and actions
by the light of the Holy Spirit

Every time we open the Bible and ponder the scriptures, the Word of God feeds our minds and hearts.  If we receive that Word in faith, being attentive to what God is saying to us, then he will transform the way we think and live.  That is the message in today’s readings:

The prophet Isaiah compares the word of God to rain and snow that softens the earth and makes the seed bidden in it to bring forth life.  In the same way, the word we hear can touch our hearts and bring them new life. (Isaiah 55:10-11)

In the gospel passage Jesus invites his listeners to consider how someone sowing seed casts it generously in the hope that it will take root wherever it falls.  In the same way, the word he speaks will take root in the attentive and listening heart.


This weekend we welcome Fr Michael Hill, a Rosminian priest, who will promote his latest book, The Rosminian Mission – Sowers of the Second Spring.  There are flyers with order forms at the back of church as well as copies of the book to purchase.

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