Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)

Current members of the PPC

  1. Fr Philip Sainter
  2. Fr Charles Sormany
  3. Fr Simon Giles
  4. Catherine Brady (Chair)
  5. Maureen Spicer (Secretary)
  6. Liz Abell
  7. Pauline Kilbride
  8. Jane Monaghan
  9. Anne Murphy
  10. Eddie Orton
  11. Gabrielle Remedios
  12. Kieron Shaw
  13. Terry Spicer

Aim of the PPC

The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) represents everyone in our worshipping community. It aims to bring the people of St Mary’s closer to God and to each other, making each one feel welcomed and valued.

This is done by discovering their needs and supporting and encouraging their gifts within a structure of good communications in which parishioners feel that they can contribute to the wellbeing of their community.  Besides encouraging communications between individuals and groups within our own parish it also reaches out to the neighbouring parish of The Sacred Heart.

The constitution

A full PPC consists of 12 parishioners, our priests and a secretary.  The PPC has a written constitution which is reviewed annually.  The purpose of the PPC is to be a collaborative ministry working and serving together, co-ordinating the various groups and activities within the church.  This is a rather different “philosophy” to just assisting the priests in the running of St Mary’s.


A schedule of meeting dates, at approximately six-week intervals, is established after the open Parish Annual General Meeting which takes place in October.

Meetings take place in the library or church hall. Parishioners may attend to observe if they wish and may also contribute to the agenda.

Anyone wishing to bring something to the attention of the PPC can do so by leaving a signed, written note in the church suggestion box which is located at the back of the church, or by direct contact with any of the current members of the PPC or one of the priests.

Joining the PPC

As a number of PPC members have to retire from office each year, or apply for re-election, there is a continuing need for parishioners to volunteer their services as replacements.

Nomination forms are available at the back of the church two months before the Parish Annual General Meeting.


The Parish Council was first constituted in 1993.

Copies of the PPC minutes are available on request at the back of the church or on request from the Presbytery. Contact us now.

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