St Mary of the Annunciation Catholic Church

St Mary of the Annunciation Catholic Church, 97 Ashby Road, Loughborough, LE11 3AB. Tel: 01509 262123

Newsletter for Sunday 12 January 2025

Why the Baptism of the Lord is a 'Christmas' feast

We still have our Christmas decorations in Church this weekend and yet we’re celebrating Jesus’ adult baptism, why? Well, in the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church, the Baptism of the Lord has been celebrated on a separate feast for many centuries. Originally it was the primary mystery celebrated on January 6 (Feast of Epiphany), but over time it was separated and assigned a different day.  The Second Vatican Council moved it to the Sunday after Epiphany.

In this context it has always been a “Christmas” feast, celebrated within the Christmas season. However, it may seem a little strange to still have the baby Jesus in the manger and to be celebrating a moment during His adult life so soon.

Yet, it is entirely fitting when reflecting on the central mystery being commemorated. For both the feast of the Nativity and Baptism of the Lord highlight the humility of Jesus Christ. In both instances Jesus clearly displayed His desire to become one with us, so that He can raise us up with Him to be one with Him.

Pope Benedict XVI explains this eloquently in a homily on the Baptism of the Lord.

“Jesus shows His solidarity with us, with our efforts to convert and to be rid of our selfishness, to break away from our sins, in order to tell us that if we accept Him in our life, He can uplift us and lead us to the heights of God the Father. And Jesus’ solidarity is not, as it were, a mere exercise of mind and will. Jesus truly immersed Himself in our human condition, lived it to the end, in all things, save sin, and was able to understand our weakness and frailty. For this reason, He was moved to compassion, He chose to “suffer with” men and women, to become a penitent with us. This is God’s work which Jesus wanted to carry out: the divine mission to heal those who are wounded and give medicine to the sick, to take upon Himself the sin of the world.                  

All this for you and me!

Jesus not only assumed our flesh at Christmas but became like us in all things, except sin. He even was baptized by His cousin St John the Baptist, even though He had no need for baptism. The incarnation of Jesus, the Son of God, is a marvellous mystery, one that reminds us of the love God has for all humanity.  

He comes, He heals, He forgives, He guides, He loves and redeems and imparts His Spirit. In the waters of our Baptism, He is invited into our lives. On this Feast Day let’s welcome Him anew, listening to His Words, following His ways and trusting in His Love.

Fr David Jones OLW